Finding Meaning in an Automated World


Episode Summary:

In this episode of “Mondays with Mike,” Mike Staver discusses how to find meaning in work in an increasingly automated world. He emphasizes that the key to finding meaning lies in the impact of one’s work, rather than the methodology or automation involved. Staver encourages listeners to make life and career choices that align with their desire for significant impact, both personally and professionally. He suggests engaging in activities that feed the soul if work alone cannot provide the desired fulfillment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Finding meaning in work in an automated world is about the impact one’s work has, rather than the methodology or automation involved.
  • Making life and career choices that align with one’s desire for significant impact is crucial for long-term fulfillment.
  • If work alone cannot provide the desired fulfillment, engaging in activities that feed the soul can help fill the void.
  • The food for the soul is what ultimately matters, not the tasks or activities one engages in.
  • It is important to make choices that have a physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological impact.

Notable Quotes:

  1. “What is wrapped around you is not as important as what’s in you.”
  2. “Make the choices to have the impact where you are.”
  3. “If you can’t do it at work because your job’s largely automated, then get yourself involved in activities where it feeds your soul.”
  4. “The food for the soul is what ultimately matters.”

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