If it is, stop reading this and begin to write a book.
I didn’t ask if you knew something about it or if you attended a seminar on it. I mean, is your life really balanced? The point is, I think life balance is a futile pursuit, and it leads to unnecessary pressure and guilt.
Let’s get this straight – my life is not balanced. Whew, I feel so much better now.
There’s some very interesting research about what kids want from their parents. Very few kids want more time. What most kids want is for their parents to be happy when they do spend time with them. So this segment is your “get out of life balance free” card.
Here is what is necessary: giving yourself room to breathe. Stop pushing so hard and take a minute to breathe. Life presents opportunities every day. We choose to engage or disengage based on how those activities align with what we value. Overall, do you make choices to engage in life at a level that energizes and fulfills you, or is it about the relentless pursuit of ___________ (you fill in the blank)? I am counseling you to take a look at it like a buffet. You get to make choices in the five key areas of life (not every area, every day, though).
Here are those areas with examples:
Recreational – A choice to play
-When do you play?
-How do you relax?
Physical – A choice to take care of your body on all levels
-Some days it’s french fries; some days it’s carrots
-Heart rate changes?
Emotional – A choice to build emotionally enriching experiences
-Personal relationships
-Time with family
Spiritual – A choice to be connected to something bigger than you
-Acts of service
-Being in a place of gratitude
Intellectual – A choice to be in a space of learning
-Challenge yourself by asking questions
-When was the last time you were interested enough to explore?