Personal Growth While Supporting Others


Hi, everybody. I’m Mike Staver. This is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people just like you. Here’s this week’s question.

“How can individuals and couples maintain their own personal and professional growth while also supporting each other and their respective respect, drive, goals and aspirations?”

Boundaries? So the way you do it is that you encourage, even demand, even torture the other person in your life to be pursuing the things that matter to them, not exclusive of you, but because the relationship and the connection becomes better. You see a healthy me creates a healthy you.

So what I find often is that people become self-sacrificing, and when they become self-sacrificing, it creates a problem for them. So what I’d like you to think through is are you in environments or are you on a path that says, I healthier me, creates a healthier company, creates a healthier relationship, creates a healthier culture, creates a healthier world.

Independence doesn’t mean isolation. Because if I choose to be with you, it’s different than if I am healthy and are unhealthy and then have to depend on you. Now, as an individual, you need an accountability partner, a coach, somebody in your life that’s going to help you pursue that. But just remember pursuing what’s important to you and including the other person is a vital part of any healthy relationship.

Hope that’s helpful.

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