Role of passion in making a living

In this week’s enlightening episode of “Mondays with Mike,” our host, Mike, dives into a nuanced discussion about the role of passion in making a living and achieving success. Mike addresses a question about whether pursuing one’s passion is essential for professional success. He shares his perspective that while passion can make work more enjoyable and fuel one’s drive, it is not the sole determinant of career success. Mike emphasizes the importance of being good at what you do and being able to make a living from it. He shares anecdotes about individuals who balance their passions with their professional lives, illustrating that passion can be a motivating factor but not always a viable career path. The episode encourages viewers to integrate their passions into their lives, whether or not they form the basis of their careers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Passion can make work more enjoyable and exciting, but it is not the only factor in career success

  • Being good at what you do and being able to make a living from it are essential components of professional success.

  • It is possible to pursue passions outside of one’s career while still finding fulfillment in both areas.

  • The intersection of passion, skill, and economic viability is crucial for a sustainable career.

  • Integrating passions into your life can provide the fuel and motivation needed to succeed professionally.

Notable Quotes:

  • “I can be passionate about singing. I can’t make a living at it. Trust me. You don’t want me singing.”

  • “Passion only plays a role in terms of the fuel that it provides to do the things necessary to live your life.”

  • “If you can do what you’re passionate about and you’re good at it and you make a living, more power to you.”

  • “It’s the live to work versus work to live.”

  • “Make sure that the intersection isn’t just, ‘I’m going to keep pursuing my passion,’ if you don’t know either how you’re going to make a living or how you’re going to make an impact in the world.”

Do you have a burning question for Mike to answer on another episode of Mondays with Mike? Send it to or submit the form below!



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