How wise are you?

These days, you have access to mountains of information. You can discover answers to almost any question by simply typing your question into a search engine. You go to seminars, classes, read blogs, books and brochures. You watch videos, listen to podcasts, attend webinars, Twitter, and join braintrusts and any number of other think tank…

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Get things in focus!

Vacations are ending, summer’s heat is fading, school is back in session, and the days will soon get shorter. The hectic pace of life is returning and as it does, it’s important to maintain focus on the things that REALLY matter. Some years ago I went to the doctor because I was concerned about my…

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Can you be still?

I saw a commercial over the holidays that had the line, “Sure, you are active, but why?” This month I want to encourage you to be still. If you are like most people, you are very busy. Think of all the times you have been asked how you are doing and you have answered, “Busy.”…

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Do you need to lose weight?

The number one New Years resolution is about losing weight. I was on a cruise recently and made the mistake of having a toxicity evaluation. They measured my body fat, metabolic rate, lean body mass, etc. Why I would do that on a cruise is beyond me. But what I found interesting was the amount…

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Why are ‘shoulds’ so bad for you?

A should is simply an expectation imposed (emphasis on imposed) by us on another person or circumstance. The worst kind of shoulds are those imposed on ourselves. The reason they are so bad for you and your family and work is that they are usually irrational or worse. Now before you go getting all uptight…

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Do you think?

With all of the swirling information and competing priorities being thrown at us every day, not only from the media but from friends and family and all manner of sources of opinion, it is critical that WE think. It occurred to me last week on a flight from San Francisco, that too often in life…

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Why should Billy Graham matter to you?

Regardless of your faith or lack of it. Regardless of whether you are an atheist an agnostic or a believer, Billy Graham is an example to us all. First let me say that I never hold any one person up as THE example of anything. But as I thought about how one person could have…

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Does Sturgis SD matter to you? It should!

As you read this, I am on my way to (or perhaps already in) Sturgis for the 75th annual motorcycle rally. It’s THE biker event of the year. Whether you ride or don’t isn’t relevant. The rally matters because of what it means to me and to most of those that attend. It represents community,…

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How smart are you?

Most coaches (executive, athletic, etc.) will tell you that playing up is necessary for real performance improvement. Playing up is how willing you are to spend time around those that are smarter, more talented or further along their development path than you are. Doing that stimulates you to play up to the higher level of…

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Are you playing to win or playing not to lose?

In many ways, we have let the pendulum swing too far in the “can’t we all get along” direction. While I think it’s a good idea to look out for each other and to live in alignment with our values I think it’s not a good idea to play things too conservatively. The papers this…

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