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For the coaches and the coached

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

This month I would like to make a few suggestions on how to effectively coach and how to effectively be coached. If you are in a leadership role, one of your primary responsibilities is to coach your direct reports. It will make you a better leader and it will add value to those you lead…

The power of gifts

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

This time of year is designed to be about giving and the power of gifts. It usually does not work out as designed as the giving sometimes turns into a frantic focus on urgency and the anxiety that goes with choosing the right gift. I want to encourage you to be mindful during this time…

The five characteristics of courageous leadership

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Continuing Onward Under Rigorous And Grinding Experiences Judy House, the best boss I ever reported to, used to say to me, “Mike, the higher you move in an organization the less freedom you have.” In any endeavor where you have people looking to you for leadership, they are watching you and waiting to see how…

Leading with heart

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Great leadership doesn’t require lofty positions. Leadership is the degree to which you are willing to influence those around you. The key to great influence is your values. What do you value most? To what extent do you exercise your influence in places and in ways that make a difference and are aligned with your…

Are you a coward?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Relax! I’m not calling you a coward…yet. I am simply asking you to take a moment to evaluate the extent to which courage and fear each influence the way you live and work. I am not here to judge, just to ask tough questions: “What are you afraid of?” “What is the most courageous thing…

Find your courage

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Never make a life or business altering decision in a moment of high emotional intensity, especially when that emotion is fear or anxiety. There have been more regrettable decisions made because of what we are afraid of than probably any other emotional state. Fear manifests when you think about what will happen or what won’t…

Are you really grateful?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

As is my tradition in November, I am dedicating this piece to gratitude. We live in a world that is so fast-paced and busy, time is seldom taken to truly and deeply express gratitude. I am not talking about a polite ‘thank you’. I am speaking here about something deeper, something that you take the…

Recognition and gratitude – Roped Club

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

What do you think the world would be like if each of us committed to verbally recognize one person every day? As the season of Thanksgiving approaches I have a challenge for you. The challenge is a lifelong commitment to verbal recognition and gratitude. With that in mind, I have started a club inspired by…


By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

As is my tradition in November, I am dedicating this piece to gratitude. We live in a world that is so fast-paced and busy time is seldom taken to truly and deeply express gratitude. I am not talking about a polite thank you. I am speaking here about something deeper, something that you take the…

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Improvement vs Perfectionism

By websupport | July 22, 2024

In this week’s enlightening episode of “Mondays with Mike,” our host, Mike, addresses a complex question about distinguishing genuine self-improvement from self-absorbed perfectionism and its importance for personal growth. Mike explains that while self-absorbed perfectionism stems from insecurity and the need to prove oneself, genuine self-improvement aims to enhance one’s abilities and contributions to the…

Role of passion in making a living

By Mike Staver | July 15, 2024

In this week’s enlightening episode of “Mondays with Mike,” our host, Mike, dives into a nuanced discussion about the role of passion in making a living and achieving success. Mike addresses a question about whether pursuing one’s passion is essential for professional success. He shares his perspective that while passion can make work more enjoyable…

Understanding Mortality

By Mike Staver | July 8, 2024

In this week’s insightful episode of “Mondays with Mike,” host Mike addresses the poignant question, “How can understanding our own mortality enhance the way we live our lives and make decisions?” Drawing inspiration from the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” and his own recent experiences, Mike delves into the profound impact that awareness of mortality can…

Balancing Introspective with External Engagement

By Mike Staver | June 28, 2024

In this week’s thought-provoking episode of “Mondays with Mike,” host Mike tackles the question, “What role does introspection play in personal development and how can we effectively balance it with external engagement?” Mike explains the concept of introspection as an internal focus that leads to self-awareness, a key component of emotional intelligence. He discusses the…

Preparing for Change

By Hilary Bergstrom | June 24, 2024

  In this episode of “Mondays with Mike,” Mike addresses the significant challenges faced by individuals in industries undergoing major changes. Mike shares his wisdom on how to adapt and strengthen oneself during times of industry upheaval. The episode delves into the importance of resilience, recognizing opportunities in crises, and leveraging transferable skills. Mike discusses…

Apologizing to Someone you Dislike

By Mike Staver | June 17, 2024

  In this episode of “Mondays with Mike,” Mike tackles the challenging topic of how to apologize to someone you dislike when you know you’re wrong. Mike shares his personal experience of dealing with a difficult individual, emphasizing the importance of humility and the impact of sincere apologies on mental well-being. Mike recounts a recent…

Psychological Impact of the Digital Age

By Mike Staver | June 10, 2024

  In this episode of “Mondays with Mike,” Mike shares his insights on how the digital age fosters a sense of immediacy and anxiety due to the constant flow of information and notifications. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing that most things are not as urgent as they seem and advocates for taking digital holidays…

Cultivating Resilience

By Mike Staver | June 3, 2024

  In this episode of “Mondays with Mike,” Mike Staver discusses the topic of cultivating resilience in the face of constant change and uncertainty. He emphasizes the importance of pressing forward and asking good questions during difficult times. Mike and his producer, Marty, share their insights on how to develop resilience, including being mindful of…

Early Adulthood Mistakes

By Mike Staver | May 27, 2024

  In this week’s enlightening episode of “Mondays with Mike,” our host, Mike, engages in a candid conversation with a guest, tackling the significant challenges individuals face in their mid-twenties to early thirties. They share wisdom and the lessons learned through the lens of hindsight. The episode takes a deep dive into personal growth and…


By Mike Staver | May 17, 2024

  In this insightful episode of Mondays with Mike, our host dives into the topic of empathy, answering an important question posed by a listener:: “Can empathy be learned and enhanced?” Mike engages his audience with a candid discussion on the significance of empathy and its impact on personal and professional relationships. He asserts that…

Staying Optimistic

By Mike Staver | May 13, 2024

  In this inspiring installment of “Mondays with Mike,” our host delves into the juxtaposition of enduring life’s challenges while fostering an optimistic mindset. The episode unpacks the nuances between happiness and optimism, providing listeners with actionable insights on maintaining a positive outlook amidst adversity. Mike introduces the concept of optimism as defined by Martin…

Balancing Individualism and Community

By Mike Staver | May 6, 2024

  In this thought-provoking episode of Mondays with Mike, listeners are treated to a candid conversation exploring the delicate balance between individualism and community participation. Starting with a light-hearted non-sponsorship acknowledgement of Voss water, Mike dives into a viewer-submitted question that challenges many: how do we maintain our sense of self while actively contributing to…

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