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Are you hungry to learn?

By Mike Staver | February 27, 2019

Perhaps there is no better skill to have and master than the skill of curiosity. Having a sincere interest in learning and understanding seems to me to be a much nobler pursuit than having a sincere interest in being understood. What opportunities do we miss when we are concerned that people understand US. What relationships…

Success leads to happiness or happiness leads to success?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

That question has been the source of debate from the halls of academia to the board rooms of corporations to parenting classes and beyond. Do happy people accomplish more or does accomplishing more make them happy? Since we were children, you and I have been taught both subtly and directly that if we work hard…

How often do you get defensive?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

If you over-explain yourself, make it someone else’s problem, or tend to think or say that you did what you did because someone else did what they did, then you are challenged with being defensive. If you are not open to this blog and willing to consider that from time to time you may get…

What do you stand for?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Some time ago I asked one of my clients to answer that question. He was surprised at how difficult it was to come up with an answer. When I asked him what his sales numbers were the previous month, he was able to recite them without a second thought. It is not that the numbers…

Do you love what you are doing? Does it matter?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

If you listen carefully, you can hear the murmur of debate. The debate is whether people should be doing something they love for work. Should people be actively enjoying their work and living out at least part of their purpose in life through their careers? In 2013, Gallup released some research that indicated 24% of…

Does generosity pay off?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Give and it will be given to you. That’s part of the tradition I was raised in. Be nice, be helpful, be generous and ultimately it will come back to you. With all due respect, I am not certain that is true at all. It is certainly a good character quality to be generous. It’s…

How well do you know and live by your core values?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Your core values matter, all the time. There is much talk about core values. There are courses on identifying your core values. I have written and taught extensively about core values. I am a believer in them as the core of who we are as people. A few things to know about your core values.…

How to stay calm under pressure?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

Whether you are a leader, a follower, or both, there is always pressure. Home, work, and even play can create tension. While there are many things that are great about the “technology age,” the speed and volume of information has created an enormous strain on individuals and organizations. If you are feeling the pressure, you’ve…

What exactly is incrementalism?

By Mike Staver | January 23, 2019

According to roughly 45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions and yet fewer than 8% ever achieve them. Why? Too Lazy? No Discipline? Some other self-critical reason? I don’t think any of those are the reasons. I think the American way is to do things big. We like big cars, big meals, etc. In…

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What Do I Do With an Employee Who is Crazy?

By Mike Staver | March 24, 2019

Hi everybody, I’m Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people just like you. This is a GREAT question this week. Dear Mike, I have a top producer that is crazy. You don’t understand, she’s extremely crazy but she delivers results. My other employees want me…

Finishing Ideas

By Mike Staver | March 17, 2019

Hi everybody, I’m Mike Staver, this Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people just like you. Here it is: Mike, when is it time to focus and stop coming up with new ideas? I tend to come up with new ideas all the time, but I don’t seem to…

Why Don’t People Take My Advice?

By Mike Staver | March 10, 2019

Hi, I’m Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people like you. Dear Mike, I have a couple of friends that seem to be having some kind of drama-filled problems most of the time. I find that my advice giving is often ignored. As hard as…

Does Intention Matter?

By Mike Staver | March 3, 2019

Hi everybody, I’m Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people just like you. Here’s this week’s question: Dear Mike, I was having a debate with a friend recently, and it was a friendly debate. The debate was about whether intention matters. To give you some…

The Best Way to Get Results

By Mike Staver | February 24, 2019

Hi, this is Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a video series where I answer questions from people just like you. Here’s this week’s question: Dear Mike, I tend to talk a lot about what I’m going to do, but the truth is I’m slow to take action. Frankly, I’m a whole lot of…

Bias that Help = Failure

By Mike Staver | February 17, 2019

Hi everyone, I’m Mike Staver and this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where we answer questions from people just like you. Here’s this week’s question: I have a bias that I didn’t know I had until I heard you speak. You once said that coaching is not just for those who struggle,…

What to do When Layoffs are Coming

By Mike Staver | February 10, 2019

Hi everybody, I’m Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where we answer questions from people just like you. Here’s this week’s question: Dear Mike, I know for a fact that my company is going to lay off 10% of the employees in our company. Some of those work in my…

Are People Too Sensitive?

By Mike Staver | February 3, 2019

Hi everyone, I’m Mike Staver, this is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video show where I answer questions from people just like you. I assume they’re like you, but they send in questions! Here’s this week’s question: This question might get me kicked off the internet… you ready? Mike, do you think that people are…

Should I Share a Sensitive Subject?

By Mike Staver | January 27, 2019

Hi everyone, I’m Mike Staver. This is Mondays with Mike, a weekly video series where I answer questions from people just like you. This week’s question is a very interesting question, and frankly a question that I went back and forth about answering. So, I want to set this question up by asking you to…

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